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Netflix: To delete, or not to delete; that is not the question.

Netflix released a film which has garnered backlash in the US for its sexual representation of young girls to the degree that it has a TV-MA rating, Cuties. Many are deleting their Netflix accounts in protest. The filmmakers say the film’s intent was to bring awareness of the hyper sexualization of pre-teen girls. Netflix may have taken a short term hit on subscriptions, but they’ll recover. I commend action taken to voice concern regarding such content, however, I don’t feel asking ourselves the question “Should I delete or not delete Netflix,” will solve any real problems.

I’m worn out from fighting this battle for the hearts of my own kids. Ya’ll there’s a long trip wire to follow here, and it goes back to the garden. What I’m talking about is the battle for the holy, glorious, and unique sexuality of our sons and daughters as they are created to be in God’s image as male or female. (See Genesis 2 & 3) The battle for their hearts to be and grow into who God created them to be sexually, and not be exploited by a world that just wants to consume them.

Personally, I’m glad this movie came out for one reason only … it got everyone’s attention. I am NOT glad the movie nor the consuming nature of the flesh exists.

No, I have not seen it. Don’t want to. Don’t plan to.

I’m glad this show has brought to light what so many try to keep hidden in secret because of SHAME.

Folks, check your kids’ phones. Check their music. Have you heard of WAP by Cardi B? Your kids have. (I encourage you to learn about its meaning rather than listen to its lyrics.)  Check their social media accounts. TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat (they may have an account, but don’t use Facebook other than to check in with Grandma).

Check their “My eyes only,” hidden and deleted photos. Check their “spam” accounts. Look for apps which have secret access to hidden folders. Check their DMs. They don’t have access to social media you say? Check Pinterest or other apps that access the internet. There are always cracks and consumers will find the crack. If you see disappearing photos, there is a great chance your kids are sending (and receiving) nudes. Sons are asking for nudes and daughters are giving them out. Grown men and women are preying upon our kids pretending to be sugar daddy’s and mommas, offering what the world says they need. 

Our kids (boys and girls) are being consumed by a world much more sinister than they are equipped (but created to) explore. My wife and I are weary from this battle for the hearts of our kids, but it is a battle we must fight.

Sure, delete Netflix if you want. But Netflix isn’t the problem.  Follow the trip wire to the source.

Our battle is not with flesh and blood, but with evil and evil has been consuming our sexuality since sin entered the world. AND sadly, religion often partners with evil by the power of SHAME. 

All people sin and fall short, however, shame keeps a person there. A prisoner to their own shortcomings or the shortcomings of others. That’s not what Jesus came back for. He came back to bind broken hearts and set people free from the lies that keep them held as prisoners.

What is a consumer? defines consumer as a noun, “a person or thing that consumes.” Follow the hyperlink for “consumes” to find it is defined as a verb, “to destroy or expend by use; use up.”

When I think of a consumer, I think of a thorn tree.

A thorn tree consumes the earth and nutrients around it, choking out the life of the surrounding agriculture. You can prune the tree...cut it down even, but it will grow back and with vengeance. The next time with shoots of several trees growing from one old stump reaching out further than before. 

To eliminate the thorn tree and its chance of return, you must get rid of it...roots and all. Getting close to the trunk of the thorn tree might result in you getting poked and the thorns will hurt, but it’s work that must be done. Cut down the tree and dig up the stump and replace the hole left by its removal with good soil.

Intimacy with Jesus ... that’s the good soil! (not obligation to the religious spirit)

Only then can that space offer life. It’s a place of knowing Jesus and being known by Him. Like the removal of the thorn tree, shame’s choke hold no longer exists there.

Follow the trip wire. Cut down the consuming thorn trees. Dig up the stumps. Replace the holes with good soil. 

It’ll work. One house at a time. It’ll work. 

As for me and my house, we are digging up stumps. It’s hard, grueling work. Your kids are worth it. You are worth it.

Free Resources from Zoweh

Zoweh, a ministry helping men and women get their hearts back, has amazing resources to help in the fight for the hearts of your children. Below are links to two audio recordings from separate men’s and women’s conferences entitled, “Fighting for the hearts of your children.” I highly recommend taking advantage of this free offer. Follow the links to download.

Fathering: Fighting for the Hearts of Your Children

Mothering: Fighting for the Hearts of Your Children