Jesus Blood Is Richest In The Dark

In those few short moments, I was captivated with the thought that Jesus blood is richest in our darkest moments, and the earth truly is suffering the pains of childbirth waiting expectantly on the revealing of the fully mature sons and daughters of God.

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From Empty Chaos - Wonderful Freedom

I can only imagine Joseph questioning his worth and ability to answer God’s call when he can’t even provide the mother of the Savior of all humanity a sanitary place to give birth. I can imagine his heart aching as Mary rolls from side to side in pain, taking shallow breaths and crying with each push. I can imagine Joseph being angry, sad and so completely amazed at Mary’s strength all in the same tear. Then….

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Would You Have Eaten The Fruit?

As I’ve been preparing, and spending time with God in preparation for this session, I've been convicted of my arrogance. Long have I said, I would have killed the snake. I just couldn’t fathom passively allowing any harm to come to my wife or kids (or any feminine heart or child). So, again…what in the world was Adam thinking? This morning, I was reminded that we have what he didn’t. The Holy Spirit.

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Play the Sunshine

I’ve had an absolute blast playing bass again and really had no idea the effect it would have on my heart. Again, my hope was just to inspire my daughter and fill a need at church. Something awakened in me as I started to play and something came against me. What awakened in me was delight. What came against me was fear…

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The Revealed Image Story

I was praying during some time alone with God and asking to be made. I was crying out really...”Make me a better servant, a better husband, a better father, a better employee, a better leader...” Then every hair on my body stood firm as though I was in a cloud of electricity and a voice boldly said, “STOP ASKING TO BE MADE, YOU’RE ALREADY CREATED, IT’S TIME FOR YOU TO BE REVEALED!” I hit my knees in tears with the majesty of what I had just heard and did all I knew to do. “Yes, Lord.”

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Where there is struggle, there is life.

Jesus reminded us to look for Life and embrace it as Lori and I sat alone outside of the intervention center after releasing Bailey to their care. As we held each other and prayed, a butterfly flew in and danced on air all around us then danced toward the building. Butterflies are so special to Lori and her healing story. We both cried and thanked Jesus for the beautiful gift. He was telling us all would be well. We were releasing her to Him, not them. Bailey was created to dance on air, and we have no doubt Jesus is going to love her back to life.

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Joseph Mize Comments
My Butterfly

I don’t usually publish two blogs on the same day, or even sometimes within the same month! However, it is Valentine’s Day, and although I quite despise being told I must be romantic on one day where everything is overpriced for a holiday fueled by corporate greed, I love my wife God size much! We worked together on a blog post regarding the Trinity of Marriage and published this morning. She’s not aware of this post. The following is a poem I wrote for her on her 40th birthday this past year. She’s awesome, and she dances on air. If you know us, you know I’m her biggest fan. Well…next to Jesus. I love you Lori Belle! Happy Valentine’s Day, My Butterfly!

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Trinity of Marriage

Therefore, each of us being made in God’s image as either male or female, may come together in marriage in the flesh to complete the physical representation of the image of God. Which is a very good thing! However, it is our unity in Jesus which consecrates a holy marriage designed in Eden but intended in Christ…One of equality, filled with selfless sacrifice, love, and respect.

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Our Fight Is Not With Each Other!

My tears aren't because I'm a white guy who wears Wranglers and listens to country music. My tears are from a heart that sees no color, ethnicity, or cultural differences. They are from a heart that only sees a beautiful image within each person; each uniquely created in God's image.

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Joseph Mize Comments
Let Us Remember

This September 11th, let us remember the attacks on our country, the lives lost and the heartache for those who loved them, as well as the amazing courage of our first responders and service men and women.  Along with these, are many additional things we must remember...

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Joseph MizeLove, UnityComment