Healing Prayer

Healing Prayer appointments are unique to you, because your story is unique. However, the process for each appointment is similar. Sometimes the first step to freedom is simply the opportunity to share your story in a space where you have, as my friend Michael Thompson wrote in his book The Heart of a Warrior, “Nothing to hide, nothing to prove, and nothing to fear.”

You most likely know your heart hurts. Sometimes, you may not know why or where the hurt originates. Sometimes Jesus makes it known immediately. Sometimes we provide some worksheets that will help you reflect on your story. As you share and we explore your story together, Jesus will always guide us to the wounds He wants to heal in that moment. We then partner with Him for inner healing. The process we take with healing prayer can be summed up with this phrase….we walk with God. In the theme of Isaiah 61, we partner with Jesus to create the safe space for Him to bind your broken heart. We listen to you share the terrain of your heart and we listen to Jesus map the steps for healing and follow them. We do this through story work, listening prayer and soaking worship which is a posture of receiving the River of Life through worship…soaking up living water like a dry sponge. Healing prayer is one of the most effective ways we’ve ever encountered Jesus in restoring the soul. Read some testimonies here.


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