What others are saying...

Lisa H

This experience was life changing for us. We learned so much about ourselves and each other. I went into this weekend expecting to feel uncomfortable and awkward, or maybe made to feel “less than” by other Christian couples or the “churchy” mentality. What I got could not have been further from that misconception. What I got was a REAL & intimate encounter with the Lord and healing from some deep emotional wounds that I brought into my marriage. I learned to see my spouse through the eyes of Jesus, and fell in love with him all over again. My husband and I experienced intimacy and healing with each other on a level I could never have dreamed of. We are truly leaving this retreat as renewed and whole people that have a connection so much deeper than before. Our marriage will never be the same and I’m so thankful!!

Matt H

An awesome experience for our marriage. It created some much needed space and time to dive more into each other’s stories and hearts. Created an opportunity to lock arms moving forward in a more whole and holy manner and continue in a journey of a redemptive marriage. Thank you Joseph and Lori!

Jennifer H

Honestly, with the busyness of life lately, I almost felt like I didn’t have the time to dedicate to this. Even with knowing that Matt & I needed it, I wanted to simply buckle down, push through & not pause through our struggle to give God time to speak to my heart. But, Matt did want to & I am so glad that he did. Intimacy, on any level, is not easy for me, but this gave me a framework to navigate through those things that have “helped” me build up those walls. Allowing God to break down my barriers and show me that being vulnerable is ok, has been hard and rewarding. I know my journey is just starting with discovering the wounds and getting healing from them in order to be fully open and comfortable with all the different aspects of intimacy, but now I am a willing participant. Now, I want to invite God more fully into my healing and grow closer to God and be a better spouse. One that loves more fully and with abandon. I praise God for His gentle nature in how He has brought me to this point. This retreat is the amazing way that He got me there.

Lindsey L

God showed me this weekend that I have built walls to keep my husband out. I built them because vulnerability is hard for me. This has affected our sexual intimacy. Trauma (bullying, abuse from a peer at age 5) caused me to have severe self esteem issues. Not feeling pretty enough or thin enough, a good enough nurse, wife, mother are lies the enemy has spoken and I believed. From the abuse I have developed a feeling that I was dirty or something was wrong with me. My upbringing was very sheltered in that. Sex was bad and “don’t do it.” This caused me to develop almost an aversion to sex and caused me to start putting up walls around my heart. This weekend has allowed me to see that and begin to ask Jesus to heal those broken places in my heart and break down those walls. I’ve also learned how important deep conversation is with my spouse. I’ve learned I need to let him in. Thank you Joseph and Lori for taking the time to do this weekend and I look forward to what is to come!

Amber F

The Rendezvous Project impacted my heart as a woman by helping me to see my beauty that God created in me. My husband is heavily involved in a men’s ministry that pursues the heart of a man and I was so thankful to be able to use the weekend to pursue each other’s hearts! We were able to use this time and this content to remember the larger story that God has created for us and our marriage. Thank you Lori and Joseph for using your gifts and passions to usher us through the weekend.

Chris G

It is amazing how Jesus operates. In the fall of 2019 I flew to Colorado to attended Zoweh Ministries Heart of a Warrior Encounter weekend.  I signed up for this men’s retreat as part of a search I was on to understand what was missing in my faith.  I had grown up in a Christian home, regularly attended church throughout my entire life, gave consistently, served, and was diligent in having a daily devotional/quiet time.  But despite all this effort, God seemed very distant, and it felt very much like going through the motions out of a sense of duty.  I’d heard so many stories of people encountering and experiencing God, but in my walk, God seemed silent and nowhere to be found.  

As part of the weekend, Zoweh offers what they call medic appointments, which is a chance to meet with another man to talk through your story and pray together.  My medic turned out to be Joseph Mize and it was clear from the moment we started talking that this was a God ordained appointment as we had both experienced similar hardships.    

While I was sharing with Joseph my story, Joseph felt that God gave him an image in his mind of me hiding behind a shield.  This was almost exactly how I had been feeling, that I was hiding in fear of anyone truly seeing my heart, but I had never been able to articulate this feeling.  As part of our time, Joseph asked me if I’d like to pray to forgive certain people from my past for hurts and wounds I had experienced.  In that time of prayer, my heart became unlocked, and I began to weep as memories of traumas that I hadn’t thought about for years came flooding out and were released as I granted forgiveness.  Prior to this moment, I would have done anything to avoid having another person see my cry, but this turned out to be one of the most freeing experiences of my life.  

Shortly after my medic appointment with Joseph, I went back to my room to sit and process all that had happened, and I began to experience God’s love for me in such a personal way that I hadn’t felt in many, many years.  God had used the medic appointment to dislodge wounds and fears to make space to truly encounter his love.  And since that day back in 2019, my walk with God has never been the same.  I’ve traded up from a sense of duty based faith to regularly experiencing God’s delight in me. 

Jason K

The Outrider is an excellent men's conference/boot camp based on Wild at Heart by John Eldredge and based in Virginia. I've been to the Wild at Heart conference with Eldredge in Colorado and several ManAlive Expeditions based on Wild at Heart in Arkansas. The Outrider is very similar but expands the Wild at Heart message to Virginia now. I was very impressed with the hearts and passion with which these men spoke and was personally impacted by Jason, who spoke on the Poser from a perspective that had never impacted me so much before. I am glad I made the trip and I'm sure you will be as well!

Dave A

The Outriders Boot Camp was was really impactful. The team did an amazing job setting the stage for Dad to come and do his work on me. Several sessions really opened my eyes and heartand the presenters were well prepared and kept it very real. So glad I made the trip. If you live on the east coast - especially Virginia, you really need to get to the next event. It will change you. This is NOT a youth rally for men or your typical men's weekend retreat. This is something that has the power to impact the rest of your life, your marriage and your family.