Spiritual Training

Training, coaching, mentorship…other terms for the word discipleship. Healing prayer is like spiritual surgery. Have you or someone you loved ever had surgery, and then needed physical therapy to get back to strength? I had shoulder surgery over a decade ago. When the surgeon found out that Lori was a physical therapist he said she was the real healer. In a physical sense, he was correct. He fixed what was torn in my shoulder, but physical therapy restored my range of motion and strength and allowed me to enter back into to living an active life.

In the spiritual sense, we know that Jesus is the real healer. He’s both the surgeon and the therapist. In training, we partner with Jesus in coaching you in learning the truth of who you are in Him, a beloved son or daughter of God. In the theme of Isaiah 61, Jesus binds the broken heart in healing prayer, and he sets the captive free in training…discipleship.

Training is where we are set free from the lies (links in the chains) that hold us captive and learn the truth Jesus intended for us to learn about ourselves and/or others. Like recovering from surgery and needing physical therapy (aftercare), training is needed to grow and strengthen in the new healing and truth so that we can reengage in life with healthy and healed heart. This training may be done through coaching by our ministry team or referral to licensed professional counselors who are oriented in the Larger Story that your redeemed heart in Jesus is good.


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