
“What has my life amounted to?” Followed by “I Suck!” We’re two of the many questions that echoed loudly in my head a decade ago. 

On the outside, everything looked great. Good career. Growing family. Great church directory picture.  We were living the American dream, or at least it looked that way. HOWEVER, I was totally dead inside. I searched for life in everything that could fill the void of my identity. The oldest son. The Arkansan. Farmer Joe. Woody. Rambo. Lonewolf. Everything left me empty. My value (it’s how I felt) behind these false identities was just a “worthless piece of shit.” Words that had been spoken to me in my youth.

I was stuck!

One day in April ten years ago I got ahold of a book called Wild at Heart by John Eldredge and God got ahold of me. BIGTIME! Nine years ago I attended a men’s event called Wild at Heart Boot Camp in Colorado and promptly followed that up by attending a deeper dive event called Advanced.

The way God sought me and brought me back to Him as a beloved son and broke my identity from the list above, has lead to a freedom and walk in unity with Jesus and my wife I never knew was available let alone possible. I’ve been to several events since those first two as a volunteer and continued to receive all along the way. 

This Pic was taken a few years after God exposed and broke my identity as Lonewolf while I was an attendee assigned to this room. Coincidence? Nope!

This Pic was taken a few years after God exposed and broke my identity as Lonewolf while I was an attendee assigned to this room. Coincidence? Nope!

In Virginia, I came into contact with another book called The Heart of a Warrior by Michael Thompson and the event The Heart of a Warrior Encounter. The invitation into belovedness as a son was so spot on and perfect timing for my heart as God was tearing me away from my identity as an Arkansan. He had to move me away from my beloved state, farm, and family to expose the strongholds on my inherited worth and value. 

These two books, great men and their ministries are not a replacement for Jesus or the church. They ARE partners...intimate allies with Jesus walking along with him on their own journeys to healing and restoration and inviting others into receiving that same healing and freedom. 

An Invitation

If you’ve made it this far in this post, I’d like to invite you to one of two events or both!

In September, I’m flying out to Colorado to volunteer at The Heart of Warrior West with Zoweh. In October I’m a part of a great group of men from Arkansas and Texas who have been to these events and have discovered this path to healing and sonship. ManAlive Expedition is a group of local men banding together to facilitate a similar event and offer the opportunity for men who can’t get to Colorado or Virginia to get their heart back. 

I’ve been to many of these events and have served in all kinds of roles. In each event God has delivered more and more of what He has for me as a son. There’s always more. I’ve also personally witnessed the same Holy Spirit move and bring healing and freedom from generations of bondage for men from ages18 to 80. 

Each mission isn’t about those administering the message, but rather about the sons for whom Jesus comes. 

The Wild at Heart Boot Camps are always full and are enrolled by lottery. The next one available is in February. Check out their site to get notified when the lottery is open.

The Heart of a Warrior West is September 12 - 15 and spots are still available.  Signup today!

The ManAlive Expedition - Texas is October 17-20 and today is the last day to register with the early bird discount. Hurry!

Brothers, if your external and internal worlds are at battle with each other, there’s hope. You don’t have to remain stuck. You can find your true heart, your true identity. The Heart God meant for you when he created you.

It doesn’t matter to me which event you attend, just make the choice and go. The same God shows up every time! The greatest investment you will ever make is into the process of getting your heart back. 

If you have any questions about any of these events, or just need someone to hear your story, please send me a note to