However, the true semicolon is Jesus; let God be your author. God could have put a period on the story of humanity, but he chose to continue that story through Jesus.
Read More"That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame." Genesis 2:24,25 NIV
Boom Baby! How awesome is that!!!
It's so awesome that it's precisely when Satan shows up.
Read MoreIn the beginning was a boy, and the boy was God's, and God was the boy's. He was made in God's male image. Through him many things were to be made; without him, things God had to be made with him would not be made. In him was his Father's delight and that delight was the fuel of his adventure. The boy was to shine in the darkness, but the darkness distorted his image, and he succumbed to the brokenness of the darkness.
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